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Angaanga, Bolete Fungi, Botanica Karo, Botanica Muehlenbeckia, Botanica Rock Daisy, Botanica Whau, Dr Ruru, Entoloma Fungi, Exocarpos Bidwillii, Fishwater Fish, Hebe and Moth, Hebes, Kaoa, Karo & Karaka Berries, Kauri & Ramarama Charcoal, Kauri&Rata, Kina, King Kea, Kirk's Daisy/ Kohurangi, Kiwi on red, Kohekohe pods and Flowers, Kowhai & Daisy, Kumukumu, Mahoe & titoki berries, Master Kiwi, Miss Korora, Morchella Fungi, Mt Cook Lily, Mt Cook Lily on blue, Nikau Berries Kohekohe Ti Kouka, NZ Fern, Patangaroa, Phellobon Fungi, Pine cone and berries, Puawananga & Rata, Rare NZ Flowers, Rata and Kowhai, Red pine, Rimu&Kohekohe Pods, Sargassum Seaweed, Screen print Kereru, Screenprint Fantail, Screenprint Kea, Screenprint Kiwi, Screenprint Miromiro, Screenprint Pukeko, Screenprint Ruru, Screenprint Tauhou Waxeye, Screenprint Titipounamu, Screenprint tui, Sir Ngirungiru, Swamp Lawyer/Tataramoa, Tui on blue, Turutu, Vintage Kakabeak, Wildscape

Every greenstone piece in our shop, is authentically sourced and carved  New Zealand Pounamu.

Current Pounamu suppliers: Ngāi Tahu Pounamu(NT) and Alex Sands(AS).

Ngāi Tahu Pounamu prominently displays a mark of authenticity and an exclusive trace code. When entered online, this code identifies the origin and whakapapa of the stone.

Alex Sands (Ngāti Kahungunu) is a Hamilton based carver.